Something new I’ve added to my routine since I’ve been in Alaska is a daily after work hike. After work hikes have never been a convenient option for me in Denver due to my proximity to the mountains. I’d go on walks or runs in my area but it’s not quite the same as venturingContinue reading “SMALL CHANGES”


They say Alaska is the state that is always trying to kill you. It’s vast and wild and filled with big animals and tough people. Only 20% of Alaska is accessible by roads and less than 1% of Alaska is inhabited (source). Alaska takes you from sea level to North America’s tallest peak, Mt. DenaliContinue reading “NEW TERRAIN”


The first few years I lived in Colorado my time in the mountains was spent skiing, not hiking. That’s because my first summer spent in Colorado wasn’t til after my junior year of college. The first two college summers I spent in northern Michigan as a zipline instructor and by the time I came backContinue reading “STARTING OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT”


I was recently introduced to the term “Digital Nomad”. A coworker threw it out when I explained what my next adventure was going to be. The exciting thing about this pandemic is, it has encouraged so many people to start exploring the great outdoors and with the opportunities remote work can bring, people can ventureContinue reading “MY STORY”